Press ReleaseDistribution
Unmatched Media Reach
Maximize Visibility with Our Extensive Network
With PR Buzz, your press release gains access to an unparalleled network of media outlets. Our partnerships with major news websites, local and regional news sites, and industry-specific channels ensure your story gets maximum exposure. Leverage our connections with top-tier media players like NBC and Fox Affiliates, AP News and Digital Journal to elevate your brand's presence.
Enhanced Digital Presence
Boost Your Online Impact
Not only do we distribute your press release, but we also amplify its online presence. Our services include Google, Yahoo, and Bing syndication, ensuring your story ranks high in search results. The inclusion in Google News Syndication and prominent digital journals further enhances your online footprint, improving your SEO rankings and digital visibility.
Tailored Distribution Options
Find the Perfect Fit with Our Tiered Packages
Discover a range of press release distribution packages at PR Buzz, each designed to meet the unique needs of your business. From basic coverage to extensive media outreach, our tiered options ensure your story reaches the right audience. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, we have a plan that's just right for you.
Search Engine Optimization
Maximize Your Online Visibility
In the digital age, online presence is paramount. PR Buzz's search engine optimization service ensures your press release is not just seen, but also prominently featured in search engine results. We optimize your content with relevant keywords, and strategic formatting, boosting its visibility on platforms like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. With our SEO expertise, watch your story climb the ranks and attract more online traffic.
Global Distribution
Take Your Story Worldwide with PR Buzz
Expand your reach beyond borders with PR Buzz's global coverage service. In today's interconnected world, your story deserves an international platform. We distribute your press release to a vast array of global media outlets, including esteemed names like Yahoo! News and Yahoo! Finance. Our global network ensures your message resonates with audiences across continents, tapping into diverse markets and expanding your brand's global footprint.