Winners of 2024 Minnesota ORBIE Awards Announced By MinnesotaCIO

Winners of 2024 Minnesota ORBIE Awards Announced By MinnesotaCIO

Executives from Mayo Clinic, H.B. Fuller, UCare, CentraCare, Red Wing Shoe, The Imagine Group, Minneapolis Public Schools & Federated Mutual Insurance Recognized for their Achievements

MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 20, 2024 MinnesotaCIO announced the winners of its 2024 ORBIE® Awards. MinnesotaCIO recognized technology executives in eight key categories – Leadership, Global, Large Enterprise, Enterprise, Large Corporate, Corporate, Nonprofit/Public Sector and CISO. The Awards were presented at the Minnesota ORBIE Awards at Hyatt Regency Minneapolis.

"Great CIOs and CISOs know technology moves fast, and connected leaders move faster, which makes the Minnesota ORBIE® Awards significant," said Tony Peleska, Minnesota Chair. "Winners are selected by C-suite executives who understand the demands of technology leadership. Minnesota ORBIE® Awards recognize the leadership excellence of CIOs and CISOs transforming Minnesota's economy."

The 2024 Minnesota ORBIE Award winners are:

›› Cris Ross, CIO, Mayo Clinic received the Leadership ORBIE.

›› Derek Shaw, CIO, H.B. Fuller received the Global ORBIE for organizations over $1 billion annual revenue & multi-national operations.

›› Darin McDonald, EVP & CIO, UCare received the Large Enterprise ORBIE for organizations over $2 billion annual revenue.

›› Amy Porwoll, SVP & CIO, CentraCare received the Enterprise ORBIE for organizations over $1 billion annual revenue.

›› Dennis Keane, VP & CIO, Red Wing Shoe received the Large Corporate ORBIE for organizations over $700 million annual revenue.

›› Jeff Eccles, CIO, The Imagine Group received the Corporate ORBIE for organizations up to $600 million annual revenue.

›› Justin Hennes, CIO, Minneapolis Public Schools (fmr) received the Nonprofit/Public Sector ORBIE for government, education, and nonprofit organizations.

›› Vince Aimutis, VP, Director of IS & CISO, Federated Mutual Insurance received the CISO ORBIE for chief information security officers.

The ORBIE Awards is the premier technology executive recognition program in the United States. Since inception in 1998, over 500 technology leaders have received the prestigious ORBIE Award. The ORBIE honors chief information officers and chief information security officers who have demonstrated excellence in technology leadership. Finalists and winners are selected by an independent peer review process, led by prior ORBIE recipients, based upon:

›› Leadership and management effectiveness

›› Business value created by technology innovation & enterprise security

›› Engagement in industry and community endeavors

The Minnesota ORBIE Awards keynote was delivered by Cris Ross, CIO, Mayo Clinic was interviewed by John Avenson, SVP & CTO, Minnesota Twins. Over 400 guests attended, representing leading Minnesota organizations and their technology partners.

The 2024 Minnesota Area ORBIE Awards was made possible by the following sponsors:

›› Underwriters: Concord, Google Could, Lumen Technologies, Tata Consultancy Services, & Tricom

›› Gold sponsors: Comcast Business, Fortinet, & YASH Technologies

›› Silver sponsors: AHEAD, CDW, Cloudflare, Okta, Palo Alto Networks, T-Mobile for Business, & Zscaler Inc

›› Bronze sponsors: AE Business Solutions, Between Pixels, Converge Technology Solutions, CPrime, Deloitte, GlobalSource IT, Hollstadt Consulting, Microsoft, Pure Storage, Tanium, Verizon, & Zipari

›› Media Partner: Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

›› National Partner: Year Up

›› About MinnesotaCIO

MinnesotaCIO is the preeminent peer leadership network of Minnesota Area chief information officers. MinnesotaCIO is one of over 40 chapters of the Inspire Leadership Network, a national membership organization comprised exclusively of CIOs from public and private businesses, government, education, healthcare and nonprofit institutions.

MinnesotaCIO is led by a CIO Advisory Board, supported by an executive director and staff. Underwriter executives ensure programs remain non-commercial and exclusive to qualified CIOs and members.

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