Survey Finds 1 in 5 Workers Would Take a Pay Cut in Exchange for a 4-Day Workweek

The majority of workers believe that implementing a four-day workweek would enhance work-life balance, mental wellness, and physical health

SEATTLE, May 2, 2024, the premier resource for professional resume templates and career advice, has published a recent survey report investigating worker attitudes toward four-day workweeks. The report also provides insights into the reasons why workers prefer a shorter workweek. The survey collected responses from 1,250 full-time workers.

According to survey findings, 58 percent of workers say they feel "enthusiastic" about the prospect of a four-day workweek, and 25 percent indicate they feel "somewhat enthusiastic." Conversely, 13 percent report feeling "neutral" about the idea, and 4 percent say they are "not enthusiastic." Among workers interested in a four-day workweek, primary reasons include anticipated improvements in work-life balance, mental and physical health, and prevention of burnout.

"Because work-life balance has become a higher priority among younger generations, it would definitely help attract and retain talent," says Julia Toothacre

"Because work-life balance has become a higher priority among younger generations, it would definitely help attract and retain talent," says Julia Toothacre, resume and career strategist at Resume Builder. "A four-day work week gives people more time to have a life. A shorter week could also reduce sick and personal time leave because people will have a weekday to do appointments or rest."

Surrey findings also reveal that 83 percent of respondents would prefer a 40-hour four-day workweek, while 17 percent would opt for a 40-hour five-day workweek. Twenty-one percent of workers report they would be willing to accept a salary reduction for a four-day workweek, while 79 percent would not. Among those open to taking a pay cut, 51 percent would accept a reduction of 5 percent or less, 23 percent would agree to a 10 percent cut, and 7 percent would be willing to take a 15 percent cut. Additionally, 19 percent would be open to reducing their pay by 20 percent or more.

This survey was commissioned by and conducted online by the survey platform Pollfish. It was launched on April 10, 2024, and 1,250 full-time workers completed the survey. To qualify for the survey, all participants had to be over 18 years old and currently employed full-time. To view the complete report, please visit:

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