Federman & Sherwood Investigates United Seating and Mobility, L.L.C., dba Numotion for Data Breach
OKLAHOMA CITY--The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into United Seating and Mobility, LLC, dba Numotion with respect to their recent data breach. On March 2, 2024, Numotion learned of a cyber-attack on their network. Numotion immediately secured their systems and launched an investigation into the incident. The investigation determined an unauthorized third party may have accessed some sensitive information. The following information may have been accessed: Full name, Address; Social Security Number, Driver’s License number, Government-issued ID number (e.g. passport, state ID card), Financial Information (e.g. account number, credit or debit card number), Medical Information, Health Insurance Information, Date of Birth.
If you wish to discuss this action, obtain further information, and/or participate in this litigation, please contact Tiffany Peintner either by email at [email protected] or visit our firm’s website www.federmanlaw.com.