Middlefield Announces Approval of Proposed Changes to Reduce ESG Limitations for Two ETFs

Middlefield Limited (the “Manager”), the manager of Middlefield Sustainable Global Dividend ETF (TSX:MDIV) and Middlefield Sustainable Infrastructure Dividend ETF (TSX:MINF) (collectively, the “Funds”), is pleased to announce that at the Special Meetings held on January 30, 2025, unitholders voted unanimously in favour of the proposed changes to the Funds. These changes include revising the names, investment objectives, and strategies of the Funds to de-emphasize the environmental, sustainability, and governance (“ESG”) factors associated with the Funds. While the Funds will continue to consider ESG criteria when selecting issuers for their portfolios, they will no longer prioritize these factors over others such as valuation, growth projections, and the quality and track record of the management team. The Manager believes these changes will broaden the investment universe of the Funds, potentially leading to better returns for investors. The Funds will file a Prospectus by April 10, 2025, at which point each of the Funds will revise their name as shown below. There will be no change to the ticker symbols of the Funds.